Surveyor for Image-Pro®
Objective Imaging's Surveyor with Turboscan fast mosaic acquisition is now available as the OASIS Turboscan Capture Driver for Media Cybernetics Image-Pro version 5.1 or higher.
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The OASIS Turboscan capture driver includes the scanning and mosaic imaging features of the stand-alone Surveyor application, integrated within the Image-Pro environment:
Mosaic Image Window
- Special mosaic image window
- Manages very large Surveyor mosaic data sets independently from Image-Pro size / memory restrictions
- Full Surveyor specimen map interaction for pattern definition, relocation, and mosaic zoom and pan
- Status readout of mosaic and position information
Mosaic Image Transfer
- Send to Image-Pro as full or reduced resolution mosaic
- Send to Image-Pro as individual tiles
- Send to Image-Pro as Sequence
- Auto-transfer during standard scan or at completion of scanning
- User selection of transfer area
- Transfer of image calibration and stage position information
Auto-Pro Macro Support
- Run Auto-Pro macro on tile acquisition during standard scan
- Return processed tile to Surveyor mosaic after macro during standard scanning
- Execute Surveyor scanning from Auto-Pro macros
- Execute mosaic transfer and reset from Auto-Pro macros
- Set pattern origin from Auto-Pro macros
Live Image Preview and Capture
- Single frame image capture using standard Image-Pro acquisition facilities
- Surveyor image setup dialog, including shading correction
- Calibrated graticule in live Preview window
Software Joystick Window
- XY stage control joystick
- Z focus control joystick
- Multiple joystick sensitivities
- Predictive focus and autofocus